Education is an ongoing process of learning of a child. As Albert Eintein rightly said “Education is that which remain when one has forgotten everything he learned in school”.

As we stand under the banner of the great legacy St. Xavier’s High School, we know that St. Xavier was a charismatic leader who infused in the mind of a young child, great passion, big dream and passionate love for learning where a child uses his mind creatively and put it into practice in life.

We know how a child enters into a classroom not only with theoretical learning but also a number of co-curricular activities. He uses his maximum potential, talents, participate with full vigour and shines like a star in the school. We are invited to aim at holistic growth of a child. And St. Xavier’s provides a platform to achieve our purpose.

So I invite you to be our collaborators at St. Xavier’s High School to touch upon the lives of students entrusted to our care. May the legacy of St. Xavier inspire and propel us towards the Jesuit vision of education.

May God bless you all!

Fr. Junas Kujur S.J.

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